Digital Green
Digital Green is a global agricultural development organization that is creating a world where farmers use technology and data to build prosperous communities. In Ethiopia, for over a decade, Digital Green’s core approach – use of videos produced by and for farmers – leverages peer-to-peer learning and existing social networks to cost-effectively amplify the reach and effectiveness of the extension system. To further improve the quality, timeliness and actionability of advisory services, Digital Green is working with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Institute to develop digital tools and approaches to more efficiently tailor and track advisory data, manage its workforce, and collaborate with other actors in the service of farmers. To date, Digital Green has trained more than 12,500 extension staff who have reached more than 780,000 Ethiopian small-scale farmers with information with which to make farm decisions. Randomized controlled trials have found that Digital Green’s video-enabled extension approach: reaches 30% more farmers; delivers a 43% gain in practice adoption rates; and results in yield increases of up to 47% and income increases of 17% at one eighth of the cost of traditional extension methods.
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